More About Rhonda Fink-Whitman
“It wasn’t my choice to write this story…it was my responsibility.” ~ Rhonda Fink-Whitman is a veteran TV and radio personality as well as an award-winning screenwriter, longtime Jewish educator, Holocaust education advocate, and the daughter and granddaughter of Holocaust survivors. She is the author of 94 Maidens, a personal Holocaust novel inspired by true events and Mrs. Graceland, a romantic comedy about love, second chances, and what matters most.
I would love to see a movie made. It could be as good as Schindler’s List in the right hands. Ash Quadir
Dive into this book and savor every page! Avid Reader
An amazing story by an amazing writer. AJP
I cried real tears! MRosenthol
This book is amazing in that it interweaves past and present so perfectly and brings history to life. Read2Learn
94 Maidens is a rich story that would not only benefit an adult reader, but a mature teen as well. JustBstill
This book is a must read for all generations. Carol A. Cook
I would love to see a movie made. It could be as good as Schindler’s List in the right hands. Ash Quadir
Dive into this book and savor every page! Avid Reader
An amazing story by an amazing writer. AJP
I cried real tears! MRosenthol
This book is amazing in that it interweaves past and present so perfectly and brings history to life. Read2Learn
94 Maidens is a rich story that would not only benefit an adult reader, but a mature teen as well. JustBstill
This book is a must read for all generations. Carol A. Cook
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#CALLTOACTION in #Pennsylvania! Both SB 127 (Mandating #Holocaust #education) and SB 126 (Defunding #antisemitism on PA University #campuses) are now formally on the table in the Senate education committee. HOORAY!!! The Ed committee chair is Senator Lynda Culver. PLEASE contact Senator Culver (contact link above) and urge her to pass these bills out of committee and onto the Senate floor for a vote ASAP! Here's a sample script - feel free to copy and paste: "Dear Senator Culver, with antisemitism at an all-time high in the U.S. and around [...]
Why Holocaust Education?
A 2020 survey found that students with Holocaust education are more open to differing viewpoints, more comfortable with people of a different race or sexual orientation, have an increased willingness to challenge incorrect or biased information, are more apt to confront intolerant behavior in others, and are more likely to stand up to negative stereotyping.
The rise of extremism coming from both the far-right and the far-left in the U.S., and globally, including by those whose mission it is to deny, minimize, sanitize, rewrite, or mock the Holocaust, and those cloaking anti-Semitism with anti-Zionism, demonstrates why the need for more Holocaust education has never been more urgent.
Some Alarming Statistics
why Rhonda is committed to Holocaust education
and determined to mandate all 50 states