The “Kid on the Cover” of 94 Maidens, as she likes to call herself, Tania Fink, was the guest speaker for a very meaningful Holocaust survivor program with the students of Frau Guhl’s German class at Montclair H.S. in Montclair, NJ yesterday. We are so proud of her! Thank you, Frau Guhl and class for inviting Tania to speak via Zoom and for including 94 Maidens in your discussion! Frau Guhl is successfully helping NewJersey satisfy its Holocaust education mandate! We often bring survivors into Social Studies and English classes, but this is the first time we have brought a survivor into a LANGUAGE class! Thanks for thinking out of the box, Frau Guhl! Now SHE is an innovative teacher! There are so many creative ways to incorporate Holocaust ed. DANKE!!!
Written by : Rhonda Fink-Whitman
Rhonda Fink-Whitman is a wife, mother, author, veteran TV and radio personality, award-winning screenwriter, longtime Jewish educator, Holocaust education advocate, the daughter and granddaughter of Holocaust survivors, and an all-around nice person.