Zoom Fall Luncheon is now Winter In-Person Live Event!
NEW DATE! #SaveTheDate! Hope to see you there! Get your copy of #94Maidens now and enjoy your summer read so that you are ready with questions at the luncheon. Rhonda loves questions!! Contact info below. Please share! #Hadassah #CamdenCountyHadassah

NEW DATE: Sunday, Jan. 9, 2022, 12:00-3:00 PM LIVE AND IN PERSON! JOIN US!
For more info contact: CamdenCountyHadassah@gmail.com or call 609-314-7866

Written by : Rhonda Fink-Whitman

Rhonda Fink-Whitman is a wife, mother, author, veteran TV and radio personality, award-winning screenwriter, longtime Jewish educator, Holocaust education advocate, the daughter and granddaughter of Holocaust survivors, and an all-around nice person.

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