5.0 out of 5 stars for 94 Maidens "I couldn't put it down!" by Amy "It was so well written. I felt like I was there and experiencing what I [...]
Contact Senator Culver!
Please take a moment and reach out to #Pennsylvaina Senator Lynda Culver in #Harrisburg and urge her to pass SB 126 (defunding PA colleges and universities that enable, condone, and allow [...]
5.0 out of 5 stars "Wonderful book" by Susan W. Rush "What a wonderful, heartwarming, and touching book. Very tasteful with quite the ending. I am going to read it again [...]
#CALLTOACTION in #Pennsylvania! Both SB 127 (Mandating #Holocaust #education) and SB 126 (Defunding #antisemitism on PA University #campuses) are now formally on the table in the Senate education committee. HOORAY!!! The [...]
WHO WANTS TO WRITE MY 200th??? (please and thank you!) #FiveStarFriday! 5.0 out of 5 stars "Loved this book!" by Rose Bell "Fabulous book about the author’s journey to learn about [...]
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
#Neveragain #Neverforget used to be a warning. Now it’s a call to action. 80 years since the liberation of Auschwitz, and what have we learned? History is repeating itself and ignorant [...]