Rings of Kindness
Just released! Rings of Kindness is an uplifting new book by Matt Goldberg which features true stories of acts kindness by 85 different contributors, including one by 94 Maidens author Rhonda Fink-Whitman! [...]
Fabulous Book Event with the Women of ORT at the Jersey Shore!
Great speaking engagement for the Oceanview ORT Chapter at the Shore Diner! Thanks for the invite, the delicious lunch, and for buying my books, ladies! It was nice to meet such [...]
Who doesn’t love being first?
We LOVE Hadassah Magazine! Check it out here! #Hadassah #jewish #literature #daughtersoftheholocaust #graphicnovel #HolocaustEducation #antisemitism
Daughters of the Holocaust Featured in this month’s Hadassah Magazine!
What do apple cake, Persian chicken and Daughters of the Holocaust have in common? All featured in the Sept./Oct. issue of Hadassah Magazine! Proud to share that Daughters of the Holocaust is [...]
D.O.T.H. is still the Best Summer Read!
Summer is zooming by and Daughters of the Holocaust is still the best read of the season! By the beach, boat, or pool, keep your cool with this timely and empowering [...]
It’s Elvis Week 2022!
Have you met her yet? #MrsGraceland #ElvisWeek2022 Fun and easy #summer #read at the #beach or by the #pool! Stay #cool with Mrs. G.! Get your copy here!