#FiveStarFriday! by Andrea 5.0 out of 5 stars "Rhonda's a true superhero....fighting against antisemitism....everywhere!" "A light read on a serious topic that our society must be cognizant of. We MUST remember [...]
Sittin’ on the Dock of the Bay
What's SEXIER than Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay reading Daughters of the Holocaust this summer? Get your copy here! #antisemitism #antizionism #jewish #empowerment #Holocaust #education
"Daughters" is already inspiring daughters across the country! #FiveStarFriday! "This graphic novel authored by Rhonda Fink-Whitman is the best $10 I have spent. It is especially exciting as Missouri just passed [...]
First Signing of Daughters of the Holocaust!
My first book signing for Daughters of the Holocaust! Linda and Mike said the read made them feel “empowered!” Whoo hoo! That was my intention when I wrote it and the [...]
First 100 Copies SOLD! Another Great Resource for the Classroom!
Kids will love it! First 100 copies SOLD! Got yours? What are you waiting for? Daughters of the Holocaust is Amazon's #1 New Release in Contemporary Women Graphic Novels! See what all [...]
Texas Recommends 94 Maidens Book, Teacher’s Guide, Mandate Video as Resources in Classrooms!
Teacher's workshop at the Holocaust Memorial Museum San Antonio, Texas recommends 94 Maidens, it's free downloadable teacher's guide available at this website, and The Mandate Video on YouTube as upper grade [...]