The Perfect Read for Valentine’s Day!
Mrs. Graceland is the perfect read for Valentines Day! A modern story about love, second chances, and what matters most. A great gift for your Valentine, your Galentine, or yourself! Available [...]
Lovely Thank You!
Just received this in the mail. So beautiful! Thank you, Raquela Hadassah - Camden County, NJ and Camden County Hadassah! It was an honor and a pleasure to meet all of [...]
Making Lemonade out of Lemons in Tennessee!
GREAT NEWS! Just a couple of days after a #Tennessee school district banned '#Maus,' we found our CHAMP in Nashville, Rep. John Ray Clemmons, who STEPPED UP, WASTED NO TIME, and [...]
This is awesome! Thank you, San Antonio Chapter of Hadassah for gifting a signed copy of 94 Maidens to Howie Nestel Motivation for his presentation on "GRATITUDE" that he [...]
Honored to be Camden County Hadassah’s 1st Live In-Person Event since Covid shutdown!
THANK YOU, Camden County Hadassah Raquela Hadassah - Camden County, NJ for inviting author Rhonda Fink-Whitman to present her book, 94 Maidens, at your first live-and-in-person/Zoom hybrid event since the [...]
Booking 2022 BOOK Events Now!
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2022! We're already scheduling well into the New Year! Contact the #author at to BOOK her for your next virtual or in-person event! #books #read #readers [...]