Meeting of the Minds
94 Maidens author Rhonda Fink-Whitman and Executive Director of the New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education Doug Cervi collaborate at the Jersey shore on ways to further Holocaust ed in the [...]
Arizona #19!
CONGRATULATIONS to what will be state #19 Arizona (as soon as Governor Doug Ducey signs) for passing a Holocaust education MANDATE! So proud of Michael Beller & Arizona Teaching the Holocaust [...]
Maine gains Holocaust Education Requirement!
Congratulations to our advocates and legislators in ME who rode the roller coaster of mandates and held on tight to get this requirement! No easy task. Not for the faint of [...]
5.0 out of 5 stars "WOW!" by Lisa Cooper "After too long of 94 Maidens sitting on my Kindle book list, I finally jumped in. And I must say WOW! I [...]
Suwiiing and a miss!
Nevada has passed a schmandate. Seems the bill only requires that a subcommittee be formed to make recommendations to a legislative committee each year by Oct. 1, which then must consider [...]
94 Maidens Author Rhonda Fink-Whitman in Today’s Papers!
94 Maidens author calls out Holocaust ignorance in today's Bucks County Courier Times, The Intelligencer, and Burlington County Times. Another intuitive piece by ace reporter Phil Gianficaro: Holocaust education advocate Rhonda [...]