Suwiiing and a miss!
Nevada has passed a schmandate. Seems the bill only requires that a subcommittee be formed to make recommendations to a legislative committee each year by Oct. 1, which then must consider [...]
94 Maidens Author Rhonda Fink-Whitman in Today’s Papers!
94 Maidens author calls out Holocaust ignorance in today's Bucks County Courier Times, The Intelligencer, and Burlington County Times. Another intuitive piece by ace reporter Phil Gianficaro: Holocaust education advocate Rhonda [...]
Summer ready, check!
We love this pic! Wonderful Terri and her lovely mother Joan from NJ are ready to kick off summer with their number one pick for a "summer read" - 94 Maidens! [...]
Featured Friday!
Beautiful Queen Lois was thrilled to receive a copy of Mrs. Graceland for her birthday! She's ready for a light romantic comedy (who isn't?) and she can't wait to dive in! [...]
#17 Wisconsin!!
#17! Wisconsin mandates Holocaust education! Bravo!! Building curricula is included in the bill. This is vital! We urge other states to get on board. Need help getting started? Contact 94 Maidens [...]
#16 Arkansas!!
Whoo hooooo! On Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) Arkansas becomes #16 to mandate Holocaust education!! Teachers, use 94 Maidens and its downloadable teacher's guide to help satisfy your mandate. Appropriate for [...]