Yom HaShoah program at Seton Hall University
The child on the cover of 94 Maidens relives the anguish of being a 6-year-old imprisoned in the Bergen Belsen concentration camp as she relates her story to staff and students [...]
#FiveStarFriday! 5.0 out of 5 stars "A great exceptional read" by Nelson Hersh. Reviewed in the U.S. on Mar. 2, 2021 "Great book!! I learned much and cried more. A must [...]
Texas students learning lots in the midst of the state’s 2nd Annual Mandated Holocaust Education Week!
A dear friend in deep Southern Texas sent me these pics today of her beautiful niece Carly learning the lessons of the Holocaust during Texas' 2nd Annual Mandated Holocaust Education Week. [...]
5.0 out of 5 stars by Amazon Customer "A fun, romantic journey!" "Rhonda Fink Whitman’s second book is quite a departure from her first book, which was about her family’s experience [...]
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Wishing all of our friends who celebrate a very Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year with love and peace from 94 Maidens and Mrs. Graceland!