Happy, Healthy Birthday, Little Bird!
Happy and Healthy Birthday to "the kid on the cover" of 94 Maidens AND the beautiful survivor on the cover of the Jewish Journal!!! Read her true, unfathomable Holocaust story here. [...]
L’Shana Tova on #FiveStarFriday!
Wishing all who celebrate a sweet, happy, healthy, prosperous New Year! Only good things in the months ahead! 94 Maidens just celebrated it’s 11th publishing Anniversary and the amazing Amazon reviews [...]
#FiveStarFriday! (a day early)
Yeah, it's still Thursday, but we were so excited to get a new 5-star review on Amazon for 94 Maidens, we just couldn't wait one more day to post it! Poli [...]
Remember The King with Mrs. Graceland!
Remembering The King today! Have you read MRS. GRACELAND yet? It's a "Fast-paced, fun tale with an Elvis thread." Lots of Elvis references to find and enjoy! This romantic comedy would [...]
Two Very Special Books Spotted at Our Local Library!
Haven’t been to my local library in quite a while. Yesterday, I decided to pop in and pick up some new good reads. While I was there checking out the selections, [...]
Happy 1st Anniversary, DOTH!!!!
I can't believe it's already the FIRST ANNIVERSARY of my 1st graphic novel DAUGHTERS OF THE HOLOCAUST! Thanks to the Daughters: Siggy Flicker, Bonnie Glogover, and Michelle Terris for their kind [...]