L’Shana Tova on #FiveStarFriday!
Wishing all who celebrate a sweet, happy, healthy, prosperous New Year! Only good things in the months ahead! 94 Maidens just celebrated it’s 11th publishing Anniversary and the amazing Amazon reviews [...]
#FiveStarFriday! (a day early)
Yeah, it's still Thursday, but we were so excited to get a new 5-star review on Amazon for 94 Maidens, we just couldn't wait one more day to post it! Poli [...]
Remember The King with Mrs. Graceland!
Remembering The King today! Have you read MRS. GRACELAND yet? It's a "Fast-paced, fun tale with an Elvis thread." Lots of Elvis references to find and enjoy! This romantic comedy would [...]
Two Very Special Books Spotted at Our Local Library!
Haven’t been to my local library in quite a while. Yesterday, I decided to pop in and pick up some new good reads. While I was there checking out the selections, [...]
Happy 1st Anniversary, DOTH!!!!
I can't believe it's already the FIRST ANNIVERSARY of my 1st graphic novel DAUGHTERS OF THE HOLOCAUST! Thanks to the Daughters: Siggy Flicker, Bonnie Glogover, and Michelle Terris for their kind [...]
Author Event at Temple Emanu-El in Haverhill, MA
We had a fabulous virtual speaking engagement today with members of Temple Emanu-El in Haverhill, MA near Boston! Thank you for inviting 94 Maidens and Daughters of the Holocaust author Rhonda [...]