94 Maidens and Daughters of the Holocaust author Rhonda Fink-Whitman was delighted to facilitate a once-in-a-lifetime Holocaust survivor presentation by St. Louis passenger Ms. Ronnie Breslow to Mrs. Regina Guhl’s German class at Montclair H.S. in Montclair, N.J. today. Many thanks to Ronnie for her precious time and awe-inspiring story, to Mrs. Guhl for her kind invitation to meet her students, and to the Holocaust Awareness Museum and Education Center of Philadelphia for helping coordinate this amazing program! We hope the students found it meaningful in ways they may never have imagined.
#NeverForget #NeverAgain
Written by : Rhonda Fink-Whitman
Rhonda Fink-Whitman is a wife, mother, author, veteran TV and radio personality, award-winning screenwriter, longtime Jewish educator, Holocaust education advocate, the daughter and granddaughter of Holocaust survivors, and an all-around nice person.