“History will be kind to me
for I intend to write it.”
~ Winston Churchill
Author Rhonda Fink-Whitman speaks to High School students about the importance of Holocaust and genocide education
“Used your video again, and I just love to see the reactions of my students, especially since I just gave them a 50-question quiz that they cannot get 50% right!!! When the class ends, that changes to over 95%!!!”
– Doug Cervi, Executive Director of the NJ Commission on Holocaust Education and Adjunct Faculty at Stockton University
“Total Inspiration! Never before has an account of the atrocities of Nazi Germany struck such a chord. 94 Maidens will send chills up your spine and bring tears to your eyes, but Rhonda Fink-Whitman’s brilliant depiction of valiancy strengthens the inner soul.”
– Lorraine Ranalli, author of Gravy Wars/South Philly Foods, Feuds &
Attytudes and host of the Cucina Chatter Radio Network
“Chillingly authentic. It’s as if Rhonda dipped her paintbrush into a can of history and used her potent words to paint us a picture that is spot on. I would know.”
– David Tuck, Auschwitz survivor, speaker, educator
Meet Dave and hear other eyewitness accounts by searching 94 Maidens on YouTube and @ www.94maidens.com.
“Heartfelt and moving…a great reminder to all of us about our obligation to share and preserve our own family history, the courage of ancestors, and their impact on our world.”
– Tim Chambers, screenwriter, director, and producer of The Mighty Macs
“Powerful! 94 Maidens is destined to teach you something you didn’t already know about this horrific period in history. A compelling and significant novel of courage, faith, hope and love.”
– Tamar Adini, retired Chair of the Hebrew, Jewish Studies, and Foreign
Language Departments at Akiba Hebrew Academy in Pennsylvania, consultant for the Central Agency for Jewish Education, and mentor in the worldwide Neta-Avichai project.
“A lovingly and deftly crafted book that tells a poignant, shattering story. It is a beautiful homage and gift to a family who will never be forgotten.”
– Anne Dubuisson Anderson, writing and publishing consultant
“Rhonda Fink-Whitman takes us on a search to find the truth about a family’s past. In doing so, we discover some truths about ourselves. 94 Maidens is a riveting journey.”
– Rick Domeier, television personality and author of Can I Get a Do Over?
READER COMMENTS From our 94 Maidens Facebook Page:
Dr. J. Kerner – An incredible read…you don’t have to be Jewish to have it kick you in the ass!
Berger – Just finished the book….still choked up…
Garfield – Enjoyed 94 Maidens much better than A Casual Vacancy!
Wexler – Well I just finished the book and I have 2 words “Thank You!” Rhonda Fink-Whitman.
Delaney – I’ve read NUMEROUS Holocaust books….this one hits home with me….Thank you for sharing your story. My mind is reeling.
Hymson – LOVED it!
Jan – Borrowed this from a friend, then ordered one to keep for myself. I could not put the book down. Gripping, hearstopping, tragic accounting of life and death under the Nazis. The randomness of who survived and who was slated for extermination gives the reader much to contemplate. One of the best recent books on the Holocaust. A must read and a must share book.
Morton – Finished 94 Maidens this morning; GREAT book!
Grossman – Rhonda, I have already read 100 pages between the train and lunch and love it. I am very wrapped up into the characters. I can’t wait to continue later on. A wonderful story indeed.
Kraiman – Rhonda…I just finished it too. Couldn’t put it down. What a great read, though painful at times. We must never forget and we must teach our children to never forget too. Thank you!!!
Kopchinski – I am reading 94 Maidens on my kindle, I can’t put it down!!! I would like a signed copy now! And, like I am confident everyone who reads this book, will want more copies to give as gifts! Thank you for writing this book.
Richman – Just finished reading your book. I couldn’t put it down it was truly heartfelt and opened my eyes to many questions that I have had excellent job!
Shalita – OMG Rhonda! I have finally started to read your book! So good! but I have to read it a little at a time…I get too emotional! Bravo my friend!
Ferrante – Aahh Rhonda, the book just came and I read a little past the first chapter! I love the descriptions and the scenes are so vivid. I am so excited to read more!
Pollack – Wow!! I agree with Debbie’s “danke”!! I literally just finished reading and have way too many thoughts flowing around in my head to process what to write….Great Book!!!!!…..Necessary Reading!!!….I always knew your mother was strong but never knew remotely how strong!!!!
Jones – I’ve always been interested in learning about the Holocaust. Reading your book has strengthened the need to know more. I never knew your mother was a survivor and I can’t put into words the feelings I had while reading. Thank you so much for writing this book.
Allen – Made me cry! And kept me awake for awhile last night; must not read before bed. But enjoying enormously!
Green – Finished reading the book this week after 2 days on the road for work! LOVED it and have already passed it on for the roomies to read! Congrats, Rhonda! What an amazing story!
McMahon – A Must BUY! AND A MUST READ!!!
Dacko – Your book was awesome. It made me sad, mad and happy at the same time. I am going to read it again.
Moore – Sitting here in Panera reading the book. Had to take a break for fear I would just start bawling in the restaurant. These rough paper napkins do not make good tissues to wipe away tears!
I. Cullman – Just Finished reading 94 Maidens by Rhonda Fink-Whitman. It is a must read for everyone. I read it in 3 days and could not put it down. The holocaust victims, /and survivors from this book will always live in my heart. Well, done Rhonda!
Chef J. Kelly – I finished reading your book this morning. I could not put it down, I even shirked my Christmas tree decorating work. I cried! Thanks for sharing your family story with the world.
Dratch – Just finished your book. Spent the last two days reading non stop. What a sad, inspiring, powerful story. I can’t wait to hear you speak about it. Thank you for sharing or should I say. “Danke!!”
Goldstein – I really enjoyed reading Rhonda’s book. We were just in Prague, Budapest, and Germany, so I have vivid memories of the same things she saw. I thought it was beautifully written and I couldn’t put it down. I read it on my vacation in one day.
Machles – Speaking as a Jewish educator, Rhonda has proven herself to be a valuable author and teacher. In 94 Maidens, as we make this journey with “Morah”
Rhonda to unravel the details of her family’s past, we are taught history and Jewish values as she generously and lovingly shares her family’s difficult journey to freedom. It is clear Rhonda is a devoted daughter, a superior educator, and a true friend to our Jewish culture.
S. & D. Greenbaum – BRAVO! Just finished your wonderful book. It was particularly interesting because we have been to so many places that you mention. You made the characters come alive and it was with deep sadness that we read the horrific stories – so many that we have heard through the years. YOU ARE DOING HISTORY A GREAT SERVICE BY MAKING SURE THESE STORIES ARE NEVER FORGOTTEN. Thank you!
Rhonda with Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett at the ceremonial bill signing of PA’s Holocaust education mandate
Rhonda with Oregon Governor Kate Brown at the ceremonial bill signing of OR’s Holocaust education mandate
Rhonda with Texas Senator José Menendez at TX’s Holocaust education mandate celebration
Rhonda with U.S. Congressman Brendan Boyle (D-PA) at the Capitol in Washington D.C.
Rhonda with Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett at the ceremonial bill signing of PA’s Holocaust education mandate
Rhonda with Oregon Governor Kate Brown at the ceremonial bill signing of OR’s Holocaust education mandate
Rhonda with Texas Senator José Menendez at TX’s Holocaust education mandate celebration
Rhonda with U.S. Congressman Brendan Boyle (D-PA) at the Capitol in Washington D.C.
READER COMMENTS From our 94 Maidens Facebook Page:
Dr. J. Kerner – An incredible read…you don’t have to be Jewish to have it kick you in the ass!
Berger – Just finished the book….still choked up…
Garfield – Enjoyed 94 Maidens much better than A Casual Vacancy!
Wexler – Well I just finished the book and I have 2 words “Thank You!” Rhonda Fink-Whitman.
Delaney – I’ve read NUMEROUS Holocaust books….this one hits home with me….Thank you for sharing your story. My mind is reeling.
Hymson – LOVED it!
Jan – Borrowed this from a friend, then ordered one to keep for myself. I could not put the book down. Gripping, hearstopping, tragic accounting of life and death under the Nazis. The randomness of who survived and who was slated for extermination gives the reader much to contemplate. One of the best recent books on the Holocaust. A must read and a must share book.
Morton – Finished 94 Maidens this morning; GREAT book!
Grossman – Rhonda, I have already read 100 pages between the train and lunch and love it. I am very wrapped up into the characters. I can’t wait to continue later on. A wonderful story indeed.
Kraiman – Rhonda…I just finished it too. Couldn’t put it down. What a great read, though painful at times. We must never forget and we must teach our children to never forget too. Thank you!!!
Kopchinski – I am reading 94 Maidens on my kindle, I can’t put it down!!! I would like a signed copy now! And, like I am confident everyone who reads this book, will want more copies to give as gifts! Thank you for writing this book.
Richman – Just finished reading your book. I couldn’t put it down it was truly heartfelt and opened my eyes to many questions that I have had excellent job!
Shalita – OMG Rhonda! I have finally started to read your book! So good! but I have to read it a little at a time…I get too emotional! Bravo my friend!
Ferrante – Aahh Rhonda, the book just came and I read a little past the first chapter! I love the descriptions and the scenes are so vivid. I am so excited to read more!
Pollack – Wow!! I agree with Debbie’s “danke”!! I literally just finished reading and have way too many thoughts flowing around in my head to process what to write….Great Book!!!!!…..Necessary Reading!!!….I always knew your mother was strong but never knew remotely how strong!!!!
Jones – I’ve always been interested in learning about the Holocaust. Reading your book has strengthened the need to know more. I never knew your mother was a survivor and I can’t put into words the feelings I had while reading. Thank you so much for writing this book.
Allen – Made me cry! And kept me awake for awhile last night; must not read before bed. But enjoying enormously!
Green – Finished reading the book this week after 2 days on the road for work! LOVED it and have already passed it on for the roomies to read! Congrats, Rhonda! What an amazing story!
McMahon – A Must BUY! AND A MUST READ!!!
Dacko – Your book was awesome. It made me sad, mad and happy at the same time. I am going to read it again.
Moore – Sitting here in Panera reading the book. Had to take a break for fear I would just start bawling in the restaurant. These rough paper napkins do not make good tissues to wipe away tears!
I. Cullman – Just Finished reading 94 Maidens by Rhonda Fink-Whitman. It is a must read for everyone. I read it in 3 days and could not put it down. The holocaust victims, /and survivors from this book will always live in my heart. Well, done Rhonda!
Chef J. Kelly – I finished reading your book this morning. I could not put it down, I even shirked my Christmas tree decorating work. I cried! Thanks for sharing your family story with the world.
Dratch – Just finished your book. Spent the last two days reading non stop. What a sad, inspiring, powerful story. I can’t wait to hear you speak about it. Thank you for sharing or should I say. “Danke!!”
Goldstein – I really enjoyed reading Rhonda’s book. We were just in Prague, Budapest, and Germany, so I have vivid memories of the same things she saw. I thought it was beautifully written and I couldn’t put it down. I read it on my vacation in one day.
Machles – Speaking as a Jewish educator, Rhonda has proven herself to be a valuable author and teacher. In 94 Maidens, as we make this journey with “Morah”
Rhonda to unravel the details of her family’s past, we are taught history and Jewish values as she generously and lovingly shares her family’s difficult journey to freedom. It is clear Rhonda is a devoted daughter, a superior educator, and a true friend to our Jewish culture.
S. & D. Greenbaum – BRAVO! Just finished your wonderful book. It was particularly interesting because we have been to so many places that you mention. You made the characters come alive and it was with deep sadness that we read the horrific stories – so many that we have heard through the years. YOU ARE DOING HISTORY A GREAT SERVICE BY MAKING SURE THESE STORIES ARE NEVER FORGOTTEN. Thank you!