Here are more pics from my speaking engagement at McGuire AFB / Fort Dix, on #YomHaShoah. Thank you to the amazing 174th Infantry Brigade, Retired Master Sergeant M-j Flammer, and Staff Sergeant Beckles for inviting me to speak about #Holocaust Remembrance to the troops! It was my biggest honor and privilege to date, and truly the highlight of my speaking career! I hope everyone who attended found it to be a meaningful event. For those who picked up a copy of my books, #94Maidens and #MrsGraceland, thank you and enjoy the read. Thank you for your service! And thank you for the cherished gifts you awarded me that day! God bless each and every one of you and keep you safe.
With much love, respect, gratitude, and admiration always, Rhonda
Written by : Rhonda Fink-Whitman
Rhonda Fink-Whitman is a wife, mother, author, veteran TV and radio personality, award-winning screenwriter, longtime Jewish educator, Holocaust education advocate, the daughter and granddaughter of Holocaust survivors, and an all-around nice person.